display.display(display.HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
js_str = """
var container = document.querySelector("#notebook-container");
var notebook_ui = {};
notebook_ui["width"] = container.clientWidth;
IPython.notebook.kernel.execute("notebook_ui = "+JSON.stringify(notebook_ui));
import json
import imp
import random
import sys
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import mpld3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.core.protobuf import meta_graph_pb2
from tensorflow.python.framework import meta_graph
from IPython.core import display
import main as plant
from agent import simple
def softmax(x):
maxes = np.amax(x, axis=1)
maxes = maxes.reshape(maxes.shape[0], 1)
ex = np.exp(x - maxes)
sumex = np.sum(ex, axis=1)
sumex = sumex.reshape(sumex.shape[0], 1)
dist = ex / sumex
return dist
def interpolate_df(df, col, target_values):
# Create support for interpolation
df = df.set_index(col, drop=False)
new_index = np.unique(np.concatenate((target_values, df.index)))
# Avoid interpolation on some columns
fixed_cols = df.columns[np.where(df.apply(lambda col: col.nunique()) == 1)]
fixed_col_dict = dict(df[fixed_cols].iloc[0])
df = df.reindex(new_index)
df.loc[:, fixed_cols] = df.loc[:, fixed_cols].fillna(fixed_col_dict)
# Interpolate
df = df.interpolate(method='linear', limit=10000, limit_direction='both')
# Rebuild the index
df = (df.reindex(target_values)
df[col] = target_values
return df
def interpolate_df_time(df, plot_unit, plot_time, num_interpolation_bins):
time_min = df[plot_time].min()
time_max = df[plot_time].max()
if time_min != time_max:
time_range = np.linspace(time_min, time_max, num_interpolation_bins)
# We cannot interpolation if time_min == time_max, since that would cause
# multiple rows with the same time, which is the x axis.
# tsplot would throw errors if there duplicate rows on the x axis.
# However, if we do not interpolate at all, there would be only a single
# time value on the x axis, and neither can tsplot work in this case.
# As an expedient, add a virtual time step with the same value by
# interpolate at time_max+1.
time_range = np.linspace(time_min, time_max+1, 2)
norm_df = df.groupby([plot_unit]).apply(
interpolate_df, col=plot_time, target_values=time_range)
norm_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return norm_df
def interpolate_df_cols(df, plot_unit, plot_time, cols, num_interpolation_bins):
df_list = [df[plot_unit], df[plot_time]]
for col in cols:
if col == plot_unit or col == plot_time:
sub_df = pd.concat(df_list, axis=1)
res_df = interpolate_df_time(sub_df, plot_unit, plot_time, num_interpolation_bins)
return res_df
def display_tf_graph(graph_def):
width = notebook_ui["width"];
width *= 0.88;
height = width / 2
code = """
function load() {{
document.getElementById("{id}").pbtxt = {data};
<link rel="import" href="https://tensorboard.appspot.com/tf-graph-basic.build.html" onload=load()>
<div style="height:{height}px;">
<tf-graph-basic id="{id}"></tf-graph-basic>
iframe = """
<iframe seamless style="width:{}px;height:{}px;border:0" srcdoc="{}"></iframe>
code.replace('"', '"'))
def load_df(exp_dir):
with open(exp_dir + "/log") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
logs = [json.loads(l) for l in lines]
df = pd.DataFrame(logs)
return df
def load_df_from_dirs(dirs):
all_df = pd.DataFrame()
for edir in dirs:
df = load_df(edir)
all_df = all_df.append(df)
return all_df
all_df = pd.DataFrame()
no_len_cm_exp_dirs = [
df = load_df_from_dirs(no_len_cm_exp_dirs)
df["has_len_cm"] = False
all_df = all_df.append(df)
exp_dirs = [
df = load_df_from_dirs(exp_dirs)
df["has_len_cm"] = True
all_df = all_df.append(df)
def plot(df, ax, plot_time, plot_value, label, color):
mean_df = df.groupby(plot_time).mean()
ax.plot(mean_df.index, mean_df[plot_value], label=label, color=color)
std_df = df.groupby(plot_time).std()
mean_df[plot_value] - std_df[plot_value], mean_df[plot_value] + std_df[plot_value],
color=color, alpha=.4)
def plot_by_values(df, plot_unit, plot_time, plot_val_cols, y_label):
num_interpolation_bins = 128
df = interpolate_df_cols(df, plot_unit, plot_time, plot_val_cols, num_interpolation_bins)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 6))
colors=cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(plot_val_cols)))
for i, pvc in enumerate(plot_val_cols):
sub_df = pd.concat([df[plot_time], df[pvc], df[plot_unit]], axis=1)
plot(sub_df, ax, plot_time, pvc, pvc, colors[i])
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # return lines and labels
start_visible = True
interactive_legend = mpld3.plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(zip(handles, ax.collections),
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, interactive_legend)
ax.set_xlabel(plot_time, fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=16)
def plot_by_condition(df, plot_unit, plot_time, plot_value, plot_cond, score_func, max_plots):
cols = [plot_value, plot_cond]
num_interpolation_bins = 128
df = interpolate_df_cols(df, plot_unit, plot_time, cols, num_interpolation_bins)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14,6))
cond_vals = df[plot_cond].unique()
cond_scores = []
for condv in cond_vals:
sub_df = df[df[plot_cond] == condv]
score = score_func(condv, sub_df)
cond_scores.append({"cond": condv,"score": score, "df": sub_df})
cond_scores = sorted(cond_scores, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)
if max_plots > 0 and len(cond_scores) > max_plots:
cond_scores = cond_scores[:max_plots]
colors=cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(cond_scores)))
for i, cond in enumerate(cond_scores):
sub_df = cond["df"]
label = "{}: {}".format(cond["cond"], cond["score"])
sub_df = pd.concat([sub_df[plot_time], sub_df[plot_value], sub_df[plot_unit]], axis=1)
plot(sub_df, ax, plot_time, plot_value, label, colors[i])
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # return lines and labels
start_visible = True
interactive_legend = mpld3.plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(zip(handles, ax.collections),
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, interactive_legend)
ax.set_xlabel(plot_time, fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel(plot_value, fontsize=16)
def score_by_latest(cond, df):
values = df.tail(8)[plot_value].values
if len(values) == 0:
return 0
score = sum(values)/float(len(values))
return score
plot_unit = "wid"
plot_time = "step"
display.display(display.HTML("""<h3>Best agents</h3>"""))
df = all_df
plot_value = "eval_correct_percentage"
plot_cond = "wid"
max_plots = -1
plot_by_condition(df, plot_unit, plot_time, plot_value, plot_cond, score_by_latest, max_plots)
display.display(display.HTML("""<h3>Generalization has_len_cm=True</h3>"""))
df = all_df[all_df["has_len_cm"] == True]
plot_val_cols = ["train_correct_percentage", "eval_correct_percentage"]
plot_by_values(df, plot_unit, plot_time, plot_val_cols, "Accuracy")
display.display(display.HTML("""<h3>has_len_cm comparison</h3>"""))
df = all_df
plot_value = "eval_correct_percentage"
plot_cond = "has_len_cm"
plot_by_condition(df, plot_unit, plot_time, plot_value, plot_cond, score_by_latest, max_plots)
plant_names = [
data_dir = "/Users/awaw/me/plant/data"
batch_size = 10
env = plant.Data(data_dir, "test", batch_size)
agent = simple.Agent(env)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
var_init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess:
agent.session = sess
plant.saver_restore(saver, "/tmp/plant/no_len_cm_1507701074/checkpoint", sess)
obs = env.get()
obs["len_cm"] = np.zeros(obs["len_cm"].shape)
test_res = agent.test(obs)
logits = test_res["logits"]
pred = np.argmax(logits, axis=1)
probs = softmax(logits)
for b, name in enumerate(obs["name"]):
img_src = data_dir+"/"+name
display.display(display.Image(filename=img_src, width=100, height=100))
print("file: {}".format(obs["name"][b]))
print("label: {}".format(plant_names[obs["label"][b]]))
print("prediction: {}".format(plant_names[pred[b]]))
print("probability: {}".format(probs[b]))
cp_path = "/tmp/plant/test_1519574057/checkpoint/a-7"
# Read meta graph def.
mgd_file = cp_path + ".meta"
meta_gd = meta_graph_pb2.MetaGraphDef()
with open(mgd_file, "rb") as f:
# Restore graph.
with tf.Graph().as_default():
graph_def = tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def()